Instructions for authors

European Journal of Business and Technology ( EJTB) is published two issues per year. EJTB is peer reviewed by the editorial board. 

Official language of academic articles is English (just for special issues, articles in Albanian language are allowed). 


The abstract is the factual outline of the topic, used methods, summary of results and overall conclusions and recommendations (10–15 lines of texts). Abstract cannot contain anything which is not a part of the actual text. Abstract does not run through a two column arrangement of the paper.

Abstract and Keywords (Index Term) must be in Font Size 9, Bold, Italic with Single Line Spacing Keywords

A set of keywords should be comprehensive, but concise, typically 7–10 words or phrases. Initial letters of keywords are written in lower-case.


Paper format guidelines

Full articles should contain introduction, chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

  • Paper Setup must be in A4 size with Margin: Top 1.78 cm, Bottom 1.78 cm, Left 1.78 cm, Right 1.65 cm
  • Paper must be in two Columns after Authors Name with Width 8.59 cm, spacing 0.51 cm. Whole paper must be with: Font Name Times New Roman, Font Size 10, Line Spacing 1.05
  • Paper Title must be in Font Size 20 with Single Line Spacing. Authors Name must be in Font Size 11,
  • All MAIN HEADING must be in Upper Case, Centre, and Roman Numbering (I, II, III…etc.), All Sub Heading must
  •  be in Title Case, and Alphabet Numbering (A, B, C…etc),
  • References must be in Font Size 8, Hanging 0.25 with single line spacing.
  • Spacing after Punctuation:Space once after commas, colons, and semicolons within sentences. 
  • Insert two spaces after punctuation marks that end sentences
  • Alignment:Flush left (creating uneven right margin
  • Paragraph Indentation: Hanging Indent to the right.
  • Pagination: The page number appears on the bottom at the center.
  • Passive voice: As a general rule, use the passive voice rather than the active voice. For example, use 
  • “It was predicted that …” rather than “We predicted that …
  • Article should not exceed 4,000 to 10,000 words long.
  • Reference will be according to the APA (American Psychological Association) Referencing System.
  • References to books should give the author’s first name and surname; the title of the book should be in italics; and the place, publisher and year of publication should follow in brackets. All of this information must be provided.
  • Bibliography should be given at the end of the text and should be listed alphabetically and organized as in the examples below.
  • All material cited in the text should be included in Bibliography.


Sample paper formatted according to the submission guidelines